Start a group
A CBS Class can be started in any community. Classes meet in churches, community buildings, homes, cafes, schools and online, and can start with as little as three people. Classes can even be part of a church. CBS Australia State or National Directors are available to talk through possibilities and provide support, prayer and encouragement throughout the process.
Contact the National Directors here.
Contact the Victorian Directors here.
The six steps to starting a class:
Prayerfully form a team
CBS is a Team Ministry. Whether you are in a church, or just two or three Christians wanting to impact your community, a team of two, preferably three or more, is essential.
Choose a Pilot Study
There are two studies available for those who would like to trial CBS. You may like to start with our 'God’s Amazing Book' material, which has a weekly video to go with each of the 7 lessons. The other option is an eight week study of Nehemiah that combines information about various aspects of CBS with the way the Lord guided Nehemiah to repair Jerusalem’s wall.
Start your study
Determine a day, time and venue and advertise the starting date as widely as possible. CBS Australia State or National Directors may be able to attend the first session and introduce CBS. Each week someone will lead discussion of the home study questions. Include a time of prayer for the Lord’s direction regarding starting a CBS class and identifying leaders. Also include an opportunity for attendees to get to know one another. Each session should take around an hour and a half to two hours.
Identify Leadership
Towards the end of the trial study potential leaders should be asked to pray about committing to CBS leadership. The number of leaders required depends on the size of the class, with a minimum of two leaders for every 15 people. Be in touch with CBS Australia State or National Directors to organise a training date.
- Leadership Training
CBS Australia State or National Directors will provide comprehensive training and manuals for all leadership positions for both adult and children and youth leaders. Training will be provided to enable the 5 essentials of a CBS class to be met, including leading a small group and preparing and sharing a short teaching time.
The first day of your class
You are now ready to choose a study and start the class!